
Security and Fraud Awareness

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The company shall not be responsible for the actions, content, information or data of any website other than the abovesaid official website. It is beyond the Company’s control and as such the Company shall not be held liable nor responsible for any damage, losses and/or injury howsoever arising therefrom.

Datapath Networks Sdn. Bhd. (1006428-W) and Datapath Technologies Sdn. Bhd. (1056904-M) shall all the time do not create / own / possess any website and/or any account other than this official website ( Do not access and/or deal with those unauthorized website and/or account. We shall not obliged, liable nor responsible for any damages and/or losses incurred therefrom.

Kindly note that there are fraud websites impersonating Datapath website as shown below. is the ONLY official website for Datapath Networks Sdn Bhd (1006428-W) and Datapath Technologies Sdn Bhd (1056904-M).